Double Digit Growth



The Heart of Your Business - PEOPLE  

Stress affecting employee health & productivity?  

Turnover impacting organizational sustainability?

Tai Chi Relaxation Overview

Sheng Zhen Gong Overview

Benefits of Meditative Movement

HBR Article CEOs Benefits of Meditation

Corporate Wellness Testimonial; Fortune 1000

Brain & Nervous System Wellness

Balance the autonomic nervous system

Improve brain function 

Optimize focus and cognition

Increase efficiency and clarity

Improve decision-making

Improve interpersonal engagements 

Reduce stress                  

Improve heart health and blood pressure 



Boosts productivity

Heightens creative thinking 

Supports flow and cooperative teamwork 

Decreases sick days and employee turnover 

Delivered online & where your staff are located

100% ADA compliant

No special equipment or attire  

Delivery Options: Two or Four classes per month