Kathy Jankowski, Chief Engagement Officer

A seasoned veteran in high-impact program design and delivery through strengthening team dynamics, corporate wellness, and soft skills. She is also an experienced trauma-sensitive stress response system coach and trainer. Over the past 8 years, Kathy has taught more than 5,700 people movement and conscious breathing skills to balance the nervous system and navigate the four stages of stress management. She coaches leaders on cultivating self-awareness, helping them develop teams that can manage change and thrive, even under adverse conditions. Her clients experience immediate benefits and can apply easy-to-learn skills to living with more resilience, joy, and ease.

Kathy is a Level 3 certified Breath Coach, training with the innovative integrative psychiatrists Dr. Richard Brown and Dr. Patricia Gerbarg. She is also a certified Robert Peng Qigong trainer, meditation teacher, and conscious workplace coach.  

For the last 35 years, her groundbreaking research and innovative approaches to workforce development and philanthropy promotion have helped leaders of socially responsible businesses and public benefit organizations identify and leverage interwoven networks to meet the needs of local communites. Kathy trains leaders in how to collaborate more effectively, engage staff and stakeholders, and build a world in which people grow and flourish. She has helped thousands of organizations raise millions of dollars, with a focus on women’s funds, children’s hospitals, environmental organizations, libraries, and grant maker associations. .